Show Family Love

Appreciate Family and Loved Ones!


I trust that your year has been a restoring one so far. I have not written to you in a while but my heart and prayers are with you and your family.

Family is a critical part of our business and career journey. And being deliberate in investing time, honour and appreciating them is a fuel that speeds up the gestation of our success.

Checking in with THE CHIEF STRATEGIST at domain Hebrew 10 sub domain 24-25 this advise resonated.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another. Hebrew 10:24-25

I encourage you to be intentional about authentically caring for your family and factoring their need for your time, attention, love, help and most importantly, your intercession.


Take time this Season to appreciate them.

Here is a good place to start!

Get a Gift, do that by getting a unique appreciation gift for your Kids.

Appreciate HIM, He will be Encouraged. Appreciate HER, She will be Thankful!

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SOAR Further Ahead and I’d write you soon.

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